Sunday, January 29, 2017

Feedback Thoughts: Week 2

Praise Makes You Feel 
Good photo. 
Source: Psychology Today

Articles on getting feedback:
I read: 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ and Using Harsh Feedback to Fuel Your Career

Articles on giving feedback.

I read: Presence, Not Praise: How To Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Achievement and Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset

Thoughts on 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ and Using Harsh Feedback to Fuel Your Career:
These articles got me from the very start, because I am, in fact, a perfectionist. But, I like to think of myself as open to criticism. Yes, of course, it's not fun and sometimes it can sting, but it's necessary for anyone who truly wants improve in or with something. I know I don't do everything perfectly, but when I finish something like a project, I know that it's done perfectly to my standards. 
The article mentions that feedback is sometimes uncomfortable; well of course it is, you have other people basically criticizing something you put a lot of effort and time into. But it is something we all must get over if we want to improve. I think this article has to do with a growth mindset, too. If we constantly finish things and don't ask for feedback, then how can we grow? How can we reach a higher potential if we stop at the finished product? Also, another thing: People aren't criticizing you, they are criticizing the work (well, most of the time.)

Thoughts on Presence, Not Praise: How To Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Achievement and Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset: 
I think it is important to admire the effort and the process more than the finished product. This relates to growth mindset in many ways. I think all too often education focuses on the finished product and praising it instead of the process, which leads children to believe that as long as the end product is great, the process to getting there isn't important. This can lead to cheating in many different forms, and we shouldn't value that. We should value hard work. I think the most important thing to remember when giving feedback is to put yourself in their shoes, remember they are a regular person too, and they need to grow and develop as much as you do. 

I think 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ was the most beneficial for me because it sums up criticism/feedback all in one article. I believe feedback is a normal part of life and the only way to improve your life in different areas is to get feedback in all those areas. 

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