It was a stormy Wednesday afternoon in the Shin-ge-bis tribe sacred lands. Trees were shaking and the animals were crying out. The native peoples of the tribe had taken shelter in their homes and hadn't come out since the storm had started that morning.
In the sky above, among the lightning, harsh winds and heavy rain, were two brother clouds, Omi and Oli. They were in a fight. Omi had called Oli a mean name after they had played a game of soccer. Omi was so upset that he yelled and screamed that morning, which had started the storm. They had ultimately caused this harsh storm, as the clouds ruled the sky. If the brothers were happy, then the sky was clear and blue. If the brothers were mad, the sky was a storm. If the brothers were sad, not only did it rain, but it was cold and windy. The brothers today, though, were mad.
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Source: Beta News |
So the storm raged on and on. After a week, the people didn't know what to do. So they prayed to the winds and instead of a rain dance, they did a wind dance. The children would get dressed up in all their rain gear and venture outside and brace themselves against the wind. The children liked dancing in the rain and the wind. But they were still learning the difference between their rain dances and their wind dances. A rain dance mean that they danced and prayed for the clouds to bring them rain to replenish the earth. A wind dance was when they danced and prayed to the clouds to change the weather from whatever it was. Unfortunately, the children and the people learned that it was hard to get much out of the wind dance. The people only did the wind dance when a storm had erupted. The clouds didn't ever seem to care. Of course they didn't. The clouds caused storm when they were fighting.
Back in the sky, the brothers still didn't care that the people were being affected. They cared more that each of them weren't going to give in then they did about helping the people. They continued to fight and they caused so much damage to the tribe's village. The storm had been raging on for 3 days now with no end in sight.
So the people decided to rebuild their village to fit the harsh winds and storms that continued to come. Many got sick for being outside in the rain for so long, but they knew that they would have to live in a safe spot if the storms continued — if the clouds didn't stop their feud.
Then the brothers finally saw the damage they were causing. They looked at each other for a long time. Oli apologized. Omi accepted. They decided to stop the fight for the good of the people. The people did one last wind dance, and the winds and storms finally stopped. They were so happy that they cried and thanked the clouds.
This story is from American Indian Fairy Tales and based off the Shin-ge-bis Fools the North Wind story.
Author's Note:
This story is loosely based on the Shin-ge-bis Fools the North Wind story.